
Samsung will unveil Galaxy Note 10 on August 7

South Korean technical giant Samsung (Samsung) has confirmed the date for the announcement of its 2019 Galaxy Note Lineup.

 samsung galaxy note 10

Samsung (Samsung) has confirmed the date for the announcement of its 2019 Galaxy Note Lineup.

Samsung has confirmed that it will unveil a new phone on August 7 at its Galaxy unpacked event in New York.Samsung has confirmed that it will unveil a new phone on August 7 at its Galaxy unpacked event in New York. The company does not explicitly say that what he is going to announce in this event but has shared a video that includes an S Pen and single camera which clearly indicates that the Galaxy Note 10 (Galaxy Note10) will be the star of the show.

Image result for samsung galaxy note 10

The feature of the single punch hole camera on the Galaxy Note10, which will be placed at the center of the screen according to the previous leaks.Note10 and Note10 + will have the same design, Note10 + will have a large screen and an additional camera behind.

Samsung Galaxy Unpacked Event Invitation (gif)
Samsung Galaxy Unpacked Event Invitation

Samsung is going to unveil a total of three models under the Galaxy Note series this year - Vanilla Note10, Note 10 + and 5G version (Note10 +, and a 5G variant.)

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